How I can help

When is working with a divorce coach a good idea?

When you think you only have two bad choices: staying in the marriage or leaving it.

When you’re in the middle of the process and too triggered to make good decisions.

When you’ve come through it all and ready to build anew—everything from a new career to new love.

A divorce coach is a thinking partner. I’m here to help you puzzle out the options and figure out what’s best for everyone. A good divorce is one in which everyone thrives. I help identify areas of opportunity and solve for problems that may only lack a creative “third way.”

A divorce coach is an air traffic controller. I’m not a therapist. I’m not a lawyer. And I’m not an accountant. I’m the person who stands with you, to help you make best use of all those higher priced folks on your team. This way, you’re not paying your lawyer to deliver what she can’t provide (like, say, emotional justice), or asking your therapist whether you’re better off with a mediator or a litigator. I can help you navigate the gauntlet of professionals to amplify your voice and promote efficiency all while keeping your eyes on the prize, which—SPOILER ALERT!—isn’t money.

A divorce coach is an advocate. I can help connect you with your own good instincts. I can help you stay in touch with the values you’ve always had and remind you of the strong muscles you haven’t flexed in a while. I do this by keeping you connected to your highest values, your best self, and, when helpful, rituals of faith.

I think going through a divorce is like being in a kayak on whitewater. If you don’t paddle through the chop, you’ll get swept along in the direction of the fastest moving current. As a divorce coach I give my clients the tools and, most importantly, the courage and confidence to navigate in the direction they choose, to make decisions that optimize outcomes for everyone—themselves, their former spouses, and their children.

At every step, where ever you may be in the journey— whether considering divorce, in the thick of it, or emerging and ready to rebuild— coaching puts the paddle in your hand so you can get ‘through the chute’ and downriver with grace, respect, and integrity.

You’re not the first and you’re not alone.

I’m with you all the way, providing the motivation, information, resources, and tools for you to make informed and value-driven decisions—decisions that you can be proud of.